Friday, July 16, 2010

Thing #19

I like voicethread a lot. Looking up the physical education voicethreads I came across this one on Fair Play, what a great idea. Unfortunately in today's world the idea of fair play has been overlooked and forgotten. The idea to get these kids to discuss fair play and make the video is an awesome attempt by this teacher to instill in the students a long forgotten aspect of sport.

Personally, how cool would it be to get a grandparent or two to record their voice reading a story or telling one of their own. I know I still have days that I wish I could hear my grandma's voice just one more time.


  1. Great idea and I love the fact you embedded it into the post! Awesome!

  2. How cool! We are able now to share with others how to record the moments of memory...yes, I have always wanted to record those moments. Was it difficult for you to do it in the moment? Did you have to plan for it?

    I hope to also use the recording for cooperative reading/ buddy reading.
